Be. Do. Have. 2019 Plan [Part 3]

Dec 10, 2018

Drum roll’ve reached the final part of this 3-step Be Do Have exercise, designed to help you plan for and get the most out of 2019.

I hope you’ve been following along with the 2 previous blog posts and videos. If not, you still have a couple of weeks before the holiday season begins, time enough to focus on what you want to achieve to make it a bright new year.

To further support you, I’ve also included the full Be Do Have exercise at the end of this post.

Plus, if you want to work 121 with me in a special 90 minute coaching session you’ll be pleased to hear I’ve set aside 10 sessions over the next week to really fire up your New Year plans for 2019.



Be Do Have

#1: Write down all the things that you want to BE, DO and HAVE in 2019

#2: Write in one brief sentence why you want to BE, DO, HAVE each item on your list. If you can’t do this with any of them, cross them off your list. 

#3: Decide the most important areas of your life – for example… 

  • Family
  • Friends
  • Career/Work
  • Financial
  • Health & Vitality
  • Emotional well-being
  • Social life
  • Fun & recreation
  • Physical environment (where and how you are living and your surroundings)
  • Spiritual life

Define what success means to you beside each of the areas you have identified.

#4: Take each of your goals and ask the question: 

Will having, being or doing this thing improve the areas of my life that I deem are important?

Give one mark for each Yes answer.

#5: Put the goals that are still on your list in order [perhaps 6-10 goals]. These are the ones that you are going to work on first. 

Define your goals into 3 main groups:

  1. Short-term goals to achieve within a week to a month
  2. Medium-term goals that may take between a month and a year
  3. Long-term goals that may take longer than a year.

#6: For each of the goals on the list, expand your WHY on a fresh sheet of paper. Explain to yourself fully why you want to have this goal and what it will mean to you. Write this down.

#7: Take each goal in turn and make 2 ‘to do’ lists for each to show:

  • What you are prepared to do to achieve it
  • What you will need to do to achieve it.

...and remember, if you want to work 121 with me in a special 90 minute coaching session you’ll be pleased to hear I’ve set aside 10 sessions over the next week to really fire up your New Year plans for 2019.

Click here for full details and to book your session with me.

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Then sign up for my FREE video training: 5 Weird Ways to Begin Your Meeting, Presentation, or Webinar and Make a Great First Impression!

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