121 Coaching Programme

Now is your time!

If you're ready to do the work, create results, and achieve the life or business you want, then coaching is for you.

This 3-month programme includes:

  • 6x60-minute video coaching calls with me - 2-calls per month.
  • Additional telephone/email support for the moments you need it or want to share a success.
  • Your own success map, so you know where you are and what needs to be done next to achieve success on your journey.

This is a 3-month coaching programme. All sessions should be used within that timeframe. If you then want to continue coaching, you can on a month-by-month basis (2 sessions per month) for as long as you feel our work together is useful and adds value to your life. 

What People Are Saying:

Working with Mike has been one of the best business decisions I have made. By using the strategies he showed me I saw a dramatic increase in both my clients, their results and the income of my business.

Ryan James Lock

Mike Helped me develop a presentation for a live presentation I’d been booked to give. He helped me with vocal work, presentation skills and stagecraft, and I’m very grateful for his expertise.

Amina Chitembo

I'm really grateful for being able to work with Mike. He has helped me to focus and take the next steps to achieve the business and community aims that I'm passionate about achieving.

Paula Atherill

£1,500.00 GBP

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