Be. Do. Have. 2019 Plan [Part 3] Dec 10, 2018

Drum roll’ve reached the final part of this 3-step Be Do Have exercise, designed to help you plan for and get the most out of 2019.

I hope you’ve been following along with the 2 previous blog posts and videos. If not, you still have a couple of weeks before the holiday...

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Be. Do. Have. 2019 Plan [Part 2] Dec 06, 2018

Welcome back to part 2 of this Be Do Have exercise.

Now, you did the work in the first part [featured in my previous video], didn’t you? I’m sure you did...but just in case you didn’t I’d encourage you to take a few minutes now, watch the 1st video, the work, and then...

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Be. Do. Have. 2019 Plan [Part 1] Dec 02, 2018

Question: When is THE BEST time to plan for the New Year?

You’ve got it. NOW!!!

I’m doing it myself in my own life, and also working with clients to do the same, and it’s also why I wanted to share some of the best business and life planning tools I know to help you design...

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